Miyerkules, Setyembre 4, 2013

Project PAGSULONG, for Young Filipinos to engage in innovative business and help solve poverty

Marianna Alfa ‘Hanna’ Fernando-Pacua, a Master of Development Communication (MDC) student of  UPOU, together with few close friends, participated in Project Pagsulong, a unique P1 M youth challenge, last July 2012.  It is a competition among young Filipino budding social entrepreneurs.

She chose the project called ‘Byaheng Bayani Tours and Travel, with environment advocacy in mind, having taken up the ENRM 252 course last semester at UPOU. She is presently enrolled in ENRM 221, a course on Social Cultural Principles of Human-Environment Interactions. As frequent travelers, Hanna and friends saw how tourism could benefit the tourists and the people earning their living from tourism.  Their goal is sustainable tourism. They envision the country as a beautiful yet culturally relevant place to travel, while helping local communities earn, and also protect the environment.
Their project’s aim is to provide socially-responsible tours and activity packages for travelers who wish to expand their social, environmental and cultural awareness. The travel itinerary includes activities that involve cultural immersion and community interaction, as well as promote the Bayanihan spirit.  Young people from the Philippines and Asia can participate in volunteer activities such as GK Bayani Build, Save the Ifugao Terraces, and Habitat for Humanity.
Their project made it to the top 30 semi-finalists, out of 374 entries, in September, and in the top 10 finalists in October 2012.  The criteria in selecting the finalists, and the winner of the challenge later, are:
1.      Social Impact – the project is focused on a specific business/entrepreneurial need, and addresses a concrete social need/issue
2.      Innovation/Invention – it demonstrates a new concept, or a variation of an existing idea
3.      Feasibility – it demonstrates the practicality of the project, and is technologically applicable and can be executed
4.      Team Leadership / Management and Community Participation – it showcases the strengths of the team,  demonstrates the team capability in carrying out the project and exhibits how the team mobilizes stakeholders and communities.
As finalists, they underwent a 9-day innovative boot camp in Antipolo City. The top 10 finalists were mentored by local business leaders on different facets of entrepreneurship. It was an intense, hands-on sessions that taught them the ins and outs of starting a business and how social enterprise plays a role in national building.
Last March 16, 2013, four teams were declared winners and took home grant money for the implementation of their winning entries. The people’s choice received 100,000 pesos; the third prize, 200,000 pesos;  the second prize 300,000 pesos; and the grand prize got 500,000 pesos.
Hanna said “our team did not take home any grant money, but still won with the experience we took home with us! Top 10 was an honor in itself, grabe!”
To be able to execute their project, to Travel with a purpose, Serve the community, and Inspire others, they found sponsors. They had their Pioneer Byaheros' first trip to Mount Pulag with the support of their friends, the Alphabet Warriors and Kuya Pultak. They stayed at Pultaks Lodge at 8118 Teltelpok, Eddet, Kabayan, Benguet from April 26 -28, 2013.  To see what they have done, see their pictures in action at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.457320031022080.1073741828.374397045981046&type=1

The Byaheros had their second batch of Mt Pulag travellers on April 29-30, 2013. They had art attack, photography and art workshops there, and participated in the Bindiyan Festival. See what they have done in https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.467209566699793.1073741829.374397045981046&type=1
Project Pagsulong is a P1Million youth challenge to help alleviate poverty. It  invites young Filipinos,  18 to 30 years old,  to form a team (with 3 to 5 members) and come up with innovative business ideas good enough to stand against proposals from other teams, as well as viable enough to provide real-life solutions for alleviating poverty. For more information on the project, visit http://www.projectpagsulong.ph/
For more details on the Byaheng Bayani Tours and what are their next steps, visit https://www.facebook.com/Byaheros.ph